Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all his had done. PHIL 4:6
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. PHIL 4:13
Well, it won't be long until "remembertheone.org" goes online. I will meet tomorrow afternoon to see the website. We have been working on this website for a few months and it's finally about to happen!
I did something last week for the first time. I went back and read my first 2 blogs in order to have a "how it began" story on the website. The designers wanted me to write that story. It was amazing to read my post again. It brought back so many vivid memories and also helped me realize that Hogan was destined to be used by God.... but aren't we all?!? My first 2 blogs mentioned a website. It was a website I never really got off the ground because I decided to blog instead. This website was built (by me!) so it wasn't very good.... but that vision was born. That website was named "Hogan's Heroes". The motto for the website was "remembering the ones". This "remembering the ones" thought is still on my mind and in my heart today. Isn't it amazing that a little baby boy that had a condition called Trisomy 18 started this whole thing?
Although Trisomy 18 is known for being "incompatible" with life, Hogan was full of life. His life reminded me that every day on earth is a blessing. He reminded me that it doesn't matter how old, young, tall, short, rich or poor, you can make a difference. He helped me be more aware of not taking the future for granted. I never assume much anymore. If someone makes the statement "wait until"... well, I just hope we get there! Anyone can impact the lives of others. It is never too late or too early in life to choose to make a difference. Little eyes are always watching you. You can never love your children too much. I have never heard any of my clients say to me.... I wish I would have worked more when I was young or I regret spending time with my family. There might be some people that feel that way but I have never met them.
Remembertheone.org will be a place for anyone. It will be a website that will connect people with the same conditions, or life events. It will be a resource for the people that might want to connect with others or share their stories with friends and family members without having to pick up the phone. It is something that I feel is needed. It is something that has been on my heart since I started blogging. I blogged and communicated through facebook during Hogan's life. It wasn't always comfortable to put certain posts on facebook. The hope is to create an environment that will be a place to share a journey. I will not blog from this website once we go "live" with remembertheone.org. My plan is to continue Hogan's blog on the RTO's website. Hogan will have a page on the new website. Of course, his page will be a "memorial page". I will put the important dates on his calendar like the day we found out about Hogan, the day he was born and the day he went to be with Jesus.
The dream of the website is to be offered eventually in every hospital. Of course, this will take time. I believe that God will use this website. I have no doubt that God's love will be shown by the resources that someone will be given to build there own journey page. God is with everyone on their journey. Some journey's are tougher or harder than others. I especially like the calendar. If someone builds a journey page, that person will be able to blog, join group(s), contact others, follow others, have their own web address on the site and have their own calendar. For instance, if you or your friend has cancer, the journey page will allow this person to put a surgery date and time, or an event, or special day. Someone that follows this person will be able to get notifications of posts, blogs, and calendar events. If I am having lunch with a friend, I might one day get an email from RTO letting me know that someone I follow on a journey page is having treatment or a surgery. This will enable me to have options. I could send this person a message on the website, call, send flowers, pray or whatever my heart is led to do. There have been many times that a friend will let me know about someone that is going to have surgery. I will try and remember this date and time but I would often get busy and forget about it. This website will help remind me of those events! There will also be a "fan page" on Facebook... so please pass the word. I believe the fan page will be running next week. The website will be totally social networked. It will be easy to pass along a journey to others. Although the journey pages are recommended "open" for anyone to follow, there will be capabilities that would enable a private journey page. The private page will only being able to be accessed by invitation. I want the website to be able to be used by anyone! The "ones" will drive the website.
Please pray for the website, its developers, the board, and the people that choose to use it. Hopefully it will help many, many, many people! Although I believe it could be a huge success by touching many, it will be a success if it helps one person or family. I was the father of a special little baby that helped to change lives. Hogan changed my life and many others. He is the reason that this website is going to be available. If you are reading this blog. You are important. I want to ask you to help spread the word about the website. This website is the website for Remember the One, Inc. It is a non-profit corporation that has a vision to give people hope, help and comfort during a journey. It is also a dream to turn this corporation into a foundation one day that can help individuals that need it. Yes, its a big dream. I will never believe it can't happen. I will never believe that miracles can't happen. After all, I sat beside a 3 lb., 3 oz. baby that changed many lives. He was a warrior. This website is built for warriors like Hogan. He never gave up and fought until his final breath. My prayer is that this website will be helping lives long after I am gone.
Thanks for loving us through Hogan's journey and the websites journey so far. If you are reading this blog then you are a hero of Hogan's.
In His Love,
The dream of the website is to be offered eventually in every hospital. Of course, this will take time. I believe that God will use this website. I have no doubt that God's love will be shown by the resources that someone will be given to build there own journey page. God is with everyone on their journey. Some journey's are tougher or harder than others. I especially like the calendar. If someone builds a journey page, that person will be able to blog, join group(s), contact others, follow others, have their own web address on the site and have their own calendar. For instance, if you or your friend has cancer, the journey page will allow this person to put a surgery date and time, or an event, or special day. Someone that follows this person will be able to get notifications of posts, blogs, and calendar events. If I am having lunch with a friend, I might one day get an email from RTO letting me know that someone I follow on a journey page is having treatment or a surgery. This will enable me to have options. I could send this person a message on the website, call, send flowers, pray or whatever my heart is led to do. There have been many times that a friend will let me know about someone that is going to have surgery. I will try and remember this date and time but I would often get busy and forget about it. This website will help remind me of those events! There will also be a "fan page" on Facebook... so please pass the word. I believe the fan page will be running next week. The website will be totally social networked. It will be easy to pass along a journey to others. Although the journey pages are recommended "open" for anyone to follow, there will be capabilities that would enable a private journey page. The private page will only being able to be accessed by invitation. I want the website to be able to be used by anyone! The "ones" will drive the website.
Please pray for the website, its developers, the board, and the people that choose to use it. Hopefully it will help many, many, many people! Although I believe it could be a huge success by touching many, it will be a success if it helps one person or family. I was the father of a special little baby that helped to change lives. Hogan changed my life and many others. He is the reason that this website is going to be available. If you are reading this blog. You are important. I want to ask you to help spread the word about the website. This website is the website for Remember the One, Inc. It is a non-profit corporation that has a vision to give people hope, help and comfort during a journey. It is also a dream to turn this corporation into a foundation one day that can help individuals that need it. Yes, its a big dream. I will never believe it can't happen. I will never believe that miracles can't happen. After all, I sat beside a 3 lb., 3 oz. baby that changed many lives. He was a warrior. This website is built for warriors like Hogan. He never gave up and fought until his final breath. My prayer is that this website will be helping lives long after I am gone.
Thanks for loving us through Hogan's journey and the websites journey so far. If you are reading this blog then you are a hero of Hogan's.
In His Love,